Based on the course notes, the options of subject matter were:
· Flowers and plants
· Landscapes
· Street details
· The raw materials of food
· If you prefer, choose your own subject.
As I had never really photographed food before, I thought perhaps this would be the perfect opportunity for me to give it a go. However, I did find some areas more difficult than others, simply because the course specifies the raw materials of food rather than just food. One of my first photograph ideas was based primarily on using cooked food, which I then had to rethink, to see if I could bring the composition idea to a photograph using raw materials of food.
It would also allow me the opportunity of using different lighting sources, from natural light, to studio lighting, to lighting using improvisation! In doing so, I decided that I would also approach this assignment using complete manual settings on my camera, therefore being in full control of my equipment and understanding more the effect of light and how to control it rather than letting the camera do the work.
I studied the brief and the specific elements of design that needed to be in each photograph to be produced, then from there I starting listing some ideas I had. After creating a list of all of my ideas, I began working on some sketches (very rough) of what I thought might work best visually, thinking hard about the ingredients and materials to be used in each photograph and also considering very much the composition, background, colour, lighting technique etc and how each element would affect the overall outcome of the photograph
Equipment used.
Camera: Canon 500D
Lenses: Canon 18mm-55mm, Tamron 70mm-300mm.
Studio lighting – Bowens.
Element of design, settings and results.
Single point dominating the composition
IMG: IMG_5473e Egg in flour
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 40mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 63.9mm
Shutter Speed: 1/100
Aperture: f/5
Flash: None
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 800
White Balance: Manual
The theory behind my idea for composition here was to keep it as simple as possible, keeping all the colours neutral except the focal point, the yolk. This draws the eye to the single point dominating the picture. I also made a conscious decision to place the egg to the right of the frame, to allow the eye to follow left to right.
The shot was taken using natural light increasing the ISO to get the correct exposure needed. I also used a custom white balance, as there is a blue tinge to the light that comes in my kitchen as the roof is opaque with a blue tinge, so this allowed me to ensure the white balance was correct.
Two points
IMG: IMG_5114e Mushrooms
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 34mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 54.4mm
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: f/4.5
Flash: None – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Manual
Deciding the subject for this was somewhat simple as the mushrooms were in my fridge. The larger flat mushrooms, whose stalks make the two points that dominate the composition by being a good contrast from their surrounding, are packed in such a manner that the stalks face upwards, so this idea was seen simply by viewing the contents of my fridge. I added the surrounding mushrooms and placed them on a rustic wooden chopping board, using a colour co-ordinated tea towel as a final prop to make the overall shot more interesting than it would be if I had simply just shot the two mushrooms and their stalks.
This shot was staged and taken in a studio, using 2 studio lights, one key and one fill to bring all the detail out in the mushrooms. I also used a reflector just to add further highlights to the second flat mushroom, which helped to highlight the detail more.
Several points in a deliberate shape
IMG: IMG_5199e Raspberry flowers
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 42mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 67.1mm
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/5
Flash: Not used – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Manual
Initially for this shot, I was going to use strawberries as I think they are such a beautiful fruit that on the most part look fantastic photographed, however, the raspberries on offer at the supermarket looked wonderfully ripe (more so than the strawberries) so I chose them. I loved the idea of using several points but placing them in a deliberate shape and what better shape than a flower, as raspberries really a wonderful summer fruit, summer being associated with all flowers in bloom. The overall composition was complimented by some icing to create the stalks.
This shot also was staged and shot in the studio. This was shot with 2 lights also, but from the top of a ladder, allowing me to shoot from a bird’s eye view, allowing me to capture the full composition head on.
A combination of vertical and horizontal lines
IMG: IMG_5614e A rotting apple
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 34mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 54.4mm
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: f/4.5
Flash: None
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 800
White Balance: Auto
This was probably the most challenging section of the assignment, trying to stay away from placing raw spaghetti on a plate. This was the obvious choice, or a cross cut raw potato, but I wanted to continue with a very similar theme to the other shots I had taken. I decided to core the apple and then cut the segments and allow them to fall like a Terry’s chocolate orange. This worked ok, however I felt the shot lacked something and slowly realised that having just the apple core as the vertical line, the shot didn’t work for me personally, so I changed it by standing another couple of pieces on their side, therefore concentrating the verticals from the centre to the right, allowing the eye to be led in the photograph by following the horizontal lines on the left. Finally producing something I was very happy with.
This shot was taken in my kitchen, using the down lighters from the kitchen units as the light source as well as natural light.
IMG: IMG_5145e Asparagus
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 43mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 68.7mm
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: f/5
Flash: Not used – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Manual
The plate itself really generated the inspiration for this shot. I love the square plate, very contemporary and modern, lending itself to something more exquisite, such as asparagus. I thought the composition would look good with something placed diagonally from corner to corner, I envisaged overall a shabby chic look. The obvious choice here really would have been spaghetti again, however, I tried to avoid the obvious and think a little outside the box. I saw the bunch of asparagus and loved the way it was beautifully complimented by the purple bands. I added the finishing touches to the shot by placing some wonderful union jack napkins to give the look of a tablecloth.
This was lit again in the studio using 2 lights. I liked the slight shadow cast by the asparagus, so decided to not use a reflector on this occasion.
IMG: IMG_5233e Cherry - Ade
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 47mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 75mm
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/5.6
Flash: None – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Manual
My first initial thought here was peaches, plums from the food perspective. When I hear the word curves it brings an instant association to my mind with the human form, hence where I was going with the peachy look. Yet I wanted to try and create something with quite a lot of depth, something vibrant and alive, just like the human form. I love the colour and shape of cherries and in my opinion the curves are somewhat more emphasised by the straightness of the stalk. Yet this still wasn’t enough, I could place the cherries in a line, organise them as a still life sat on a table top, but I wanted something more. So I created my very own dropping the cherries into a glass of lemonade, creating many more curves in the form of the bubbles as well as the natural curve of the cherry.
I concentrated my focus on the curviest cherry at the front, covered in beautiful bubbles...could I have created anything curvier, I think not, but I tried to nevertheless.
IMG: IMG_5276e Mixed fruit
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 24mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 38.5mm
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/4
Flash: None – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Manual
So my second creation of curves was this beautiful selection of fruit. Rather than just satisfy myself with one fruit, I looked at a few placed together, all curved in appearance but by being grouped together then creating more curves as a collective. I finished this by placing a freshly cut lemon at the front, adding the dimension of more curves from those that can be found inside.
Both of these shots were taken with a 2 light set up in the studio, both with very plain backgrounds to keep the shots clean so they can portray the meaning without distraction.
Distinct, even if irregular, shapes.
IMG: IMG_1479e Pumpkins
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 28mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 44.9mm
Shutter Speed: 10s (bulb)
Aperture: f/8
Flash: None used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Auto
As soon as I read the brief I instantly knew I already had a shot that fulfilled the criteria. For Halloween, I had drawn and hand carved three pumpkins or jack ‘o’ lanterns as they are also known. The reason this met the criteria so accurately was each section of pumpkin carved is a very different in shape, yet often very distinct. For example you can see that the shapes carved on the owls’ body are indeed love hearts, yet they create a look of feathers, when used in the context that they have been.
This shot was taken in my kitchen, using the bulb setting with a long exposure on a tripod to allow me to portray the wonderful light that exudes from the candles burning within, allowing the overall carving to show in all its glory as a whole.
However again, I wanted to challenge myself with another subject.
IMG: IMG_5351e Garlic bulbs
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 49mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 78.2mm
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/5.6
Flash: None – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Manual
Garlic is an ingredient that is used quite frequently in our cooking, one of which really is quite a unique in look, shape, texture and taste. As it one of few bulb vegetables, yet the only one I can think of that has segments the way it does, I knew it would make an interesting shot for this section of the assignment. Although the bulbs are similar, you never seem to get two quite the same, combined they then all make up the overall shape of the garlic bulb. Their shape is quite unique and therefore in my opinion distinct and irregular.
At least two kinds of implied triangle
IMG: IMG_3342e Moet Tower
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 88mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 140mm
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/4
Flash: Used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 3200
White Balance: Auto
Again this was another example of a picture I had previously taken, yet loved and by its very nature and design, is clearly a triangle.
This shot was taken in the VIP closure of the Top Gear Live show, which I worked on as an official photographer. The Moet was stacked in such a way that it made the triangle shape, yet it is not actually triangular in shape.
The shot was taken in the London Excel arena and I used the flash to create a little highlight on nearly all of the bottles, just enough to highlight them a little and ‘bring them to life’.
IMG: IMG_5403e Red wine supper
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 37mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 59.2mm
Shutter Speed: 1/50
Aperture: f/4.5
Flash: None – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Manual
The inspiration for this shot came from a magazine, I saw a photo of a bottle of wine on offer, and the bottle was shown on a plain background I would guess a stock shot from a major retail chain.
Nevertheless, it inspired me to bring a bottle of wine ‘to life’ with the perfect accompaniments, which made it easy to create a shot with the composition made of the implied triangle. A very simple, somewhat moody shot, lit from one side with a single studio light and one of my favourites.
IMG: IMG_5400e Lemons
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 53MM
Equivalent in 35mm: 84.5mm
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/5.6
Flash: None – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White balance: Manual
When reading through the course material, I was very interested to note that a composition can be a made up of an implied triangle, even if the main subject matter goes beyond the boundary of the photograph. I therefore tried to recreate this look with lemons in the studio environment. I only took the lemons beyond the boundary one side, as this seemed a stronger composition at the time.
IMG: IMG_5308e Apples & Pear
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 50mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 79.8mm
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/5.6
Flash: None – studio lighting used
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 100
White Balance: Manual
This was the first idea that came to mind when I read the assignment brief for the first time and decided to use food. I remember (although I don’t remember where) some years ago I saw a shot of a line of pears in black and white, in the Athena style shot. It is one of those pictures that stuck in my mind and it came to mind when reading the brief, yet I couldn’t recreate it as it wouldn’t portray rhythm, more pattern. So I placed my own spin on it, by setting up the shot with apples and a single pear.
I made a conscious effort to place the pear to the right to ‘break’ the shot, yet only once the eye has been led in from the left.
The shot is lit using studio lighting, 2 lights, one significantly stronger than the other, the main light highlighting the fruit, the second adding the smallest amount of light to reduce the shadows a little. Overall, this turned out to be my favourite shot from the whole assignment. I love the cleanliness of the shot, I love the way my eyes are led and I love the way you get to the pear and your brain goes “oh it’s a pear” then the apple returns...apples and pear, a winner for me.
IMG: IMG_5451e Cherry Tomatoes
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 18mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 29mm
Shutter Speed: 1/100
Aperture: f/3.5
Flash: None
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 800
White Balance: Manual
What could create a pattern nicer than vibrant red cherry tomatoes? I purchased a red table cloth (reduced to 70p in the post Christmas sales!) and the square white plate was used as a perfect break in the colour between the tablecloth to the fruit.
I was considering using the cherry tomatoes in the rhythm shot as a second shot, breaking it with a beef tomato, but I was so pleased with the result on the rhythm, I left it alone. So I used the tomatoes here.
My first thought was to use smarties or jelly babies and place them all together and create a pattern, showing that the subject matter can be all different colours yet still create a pattern, however, I decided to go with the tomatoes as in my opinion, smarties and jelly babies are not raw food material.
The shot was taken again in natural light in my kitchen, the only slight adjustment made to the photo was to increase the shadows by a fraction just to make the red a little stronger, I was going to increase the saturation but it made the shot look completely unnatural.
IMG: IMG_5483e Mangetout
Setting: Manual
Focal Length: 51mm
Equivalent in 35mm: 81.4mm
Shutter Speed: 1/100
Aperture: f/5.6
Flash: None – rear lighting with handheld torch
Metering: Matrix
ISO: 800
White Balance: Manual
Naturally, I wasn’t satisfied with just doing the tomatoes, so I decided to backlight a shot to challenge myself further as I have done very little photography backlit.
I decided on using mangetout as I was hoping that I would get enough light through to show the peas inside.
As I had finished in the studio for the week, I was faced with the challenge as to how I was going to backlight the mangetout. Out came the glass chopping board balanced on two kitchen chairs, with a torch positioned underneath shining upwards and the results were brilliant! I love the patterns it creates; there is no consistency in the pattern, yet a pattern nevertheless.
Findings and conclusion.
Overall, I am so very pleased I chose to photograph food. Suggesting it was my first time really I am very pleased with the results.
One thing I have learnt, that when shooting still life, the planning and preparation is such an integral and important part of the overall process and as I planned and prepared the best I could, I feel it has shown in my results.
I am very pleased with the photographs I have taken, my favourite photograph being the pattern and honestly I cannot say that there is one shot I am disappointed with. I am even more proud in with the fact that I am able to take such shots on manual setting, concentrating hard on the composition and achieving what I set out to achieve. I also feel I have interpreted the elements of design successfully in each photograph produced and can therefore say the assignment has been a success.